Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I suppose I should document these. I usually don't make resolutions because I think if you want to change something in your life why wait until the new year starts? Why not just start RIGHT NOW?! But I put some thought into these, and though they may be strange, they're me.

1. Buy more vintage!!!!
2. Eat a pineapple a day.
3. Capture more moments on camera.
4. Intern in NYC this summer. (this one's kinda a given)
5. Go blonde. Stay blonde. (maybe just light brown/dirty blonde)
6. Update my blog LOTS more often. I'm talking almost once a day. There are so many things running through my brain I'm sure I can find plenty of things to post about.
7. Do my medicine ball workout thing once a day. This takes about 10 minutes and I have no reason to not fit that in. Plus I want my highschool body back. Although that was so hard to maintain and came with it's own problems.. Maybe I just want to be healthy.


Maybe also stop chewing my nails.. I bet almost everyone in my life would like me to make that change and finallllllly kick that awful habit. After 15 years I'm kinda accepting this will be a lifelong struggle.

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